Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
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Text File
394 lines
/* ulib.c
macintosh library
Things to do in uu host
serial I/O
directory stuff
opendir, readdir, closedir
prolog and epilog
system call
Portions Copyright ⌐ David Platt, 1992, 1991. All Rights Reserved
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dcp.h"
#ifdef THINK_C
# include <unix.h>
# include <sgtty.h>
* login (for slave in SLAVELOG mode)
* Real dumb login handshake.
* waitforever = TRUE if an unlimited number of login attempts should be
* permitted (slave mode), and FALSE if the login process
* should terminate after a few attempts (auto mode).
* callup_done = TRUE if some form of inbound-call preparation has been done
* (either via the HAYES dialer or via a DIR chat-script) and
* we have some confidence that there's really a caller out there.
* FALSE if we have no such confidence (usually because there was
* no INBOUND entry in the Systems file, and we've simply opened
* the serial port) and we want to require a carriage return to
* elicit the login prompt.
login(int waitforever, int callup_done) {
char logmsg[132];
int len;
int retries;
msgtime = 1;
retries = 5;
while (callup_done && --retries >= 0 && rmsg(logmsg, 0) != 0) {
; /* flush any dross in the input queue */
retries = 10;
do {
msgtime = 2 * MSGTIME;
if (!callup_done) {
if (0 == rmsg(logmsg, 0)) goto next;
sprintf(logmsg, "\r\n\n%s uupc listener\r\n\nUsername: ", nodename);
wmsg(logmsg, 0);
if (0 == rmsg(logmsg, 0)) goto next;
if (strstr(logmsg, "Username:") || strstr(logmsg, "Password:") || strstr(logmsg, "NO CARRIER")) {
printmsg(0, "Modem hung up");
retries = 0;
goto next;
printmsg( 0, "Username = %s", logmsg );
wmsg("\r\nPassword: ", 0);
if (0 == rmsg(logmsg, 0)) goto next;
printmsg( 14, "\r\nPassword = %s", logmsg );
if(strcmp(logmsg, password) == EQUAL)
return 'I';
wmsg("\r\nSorry, incorrect login\r\n", 0);
next: ;
} while ((waitforever || --retries > 0) && Main_State == Call_Systems);
char *inbuf;
char *outbuf;
swrite(data, num)
char *data;
int num; {
int test;
unsigned char * cp;
if (debuglevel > 14)
fputc( '{', stderr );
if (debuglevel > 14) {
test = num;
cp = (unsigned char *)data;
while (test--)
fprintf( stderr, isprint(*cp)? "{%c}":"{%02x}", *cp++ );
test = SIOWrite( data, num );
if (debuglevel > 14)
fputc( '}', stderr );
return( test );
void makenull(int refno)
lseek(refno, 0L, SEEK_SET);
SetEOF(refno, 0L);
/* non-blocking read essential to "g" protocol */
/* see "dcpgpkt.c" for description */
/* This all changes in a mtask systems. Requests for */
/* I/O should get qued and an event flag given. Then the */
/* requesting process (e.g.gmachine()) waits for the event */
/* flag to fire processing either a read or a write. */
/* Could be implemented on VAX/VMS or DG but not MS-DOS */
sread (buf, num, timeout)
char *buf;
int num;
long int timeout; {
return( SIORead( buf, num, num, timeout*10 ) );
int count;
int test;
unsigned char * cp;
if (debuglevel > 13)
fputc( '[', stderr );
printmsg( 15, "sread: num: %d timeout: %d", num, timeout );
count = SIORead( buf, num, num, timeout*10 );
printmsg( 15, "sread: read: %d ", count );
if (debuglevel > 13 && count > 0) {
test = count;
cp = (unsigned char *)buf;
while (test--)
fprintf( stderr, isprint(*cp)? "[%c]":"[%02x]", *cp++ );
if (debuglevel > 13)
fputc( ']', stderr );
return( count );
/* check number of chars in input buffer */
int savail()
return SIOAvail();
openline(name, baud)
char *name, *baud; {
printmsg(3, "openline: name: \"%s\" baud: \"%s\"", name, baud);
SIOInit(name, baud );
inbuf = NewPtr(PORTBUFSIZ);
if (inbuf) {
SIOInBuffer(inbuf, PORTBUFSIZ);
outbuf = NewPtr(PORTBUFSIZ);
if (outbuf) {
SIOOutBuffer(outbuf, PORTBUFSIZ);
SIOClose( 1 );
if (inbuf) DisposPtr(inbuf);
if (outbuf) DisposPtr(outbuf);
flowcontrol(int status)
notimp( argc, argv )
char *argv[];
/*debuglevelMsg("\Pcheck argc (08) and argv (0a) ");*/
fprintf( stderr, "shell: %s not implemented\n", *argv );
/* shell
char *getcwd();
shell(command, inname, outname)
char *command;
char *inname;
char *outname; {
char *argvec[50];
int is_ok;
int rnews();
int macbin();
int argcp;
char **argvp;
char args;
char *openFlags;
int (*proto)();
argcp = 0;
argcp = getargs( command, argvec );
argvp = argvec;
args = argcp;
if ( debuglevel > 5 ) {
while ( args )
fprintf( stderr, "arg: %d %s\n", args--, *argvp++ );
argvp = argvec;
args = argcp;
/* */
proto = notimp;
openFlags = "r";
if ( strcmp( *argvp, "rmail" ) == SAME )
proto = rmail;
else if ( strcmp( *argvp, "rnews" ) == SAME ) {
openFlags = "rb";
proto = rnews;
else if ( strcmp( *argvp, "macbin" ) == SAME ) {
openFlags = "rb";
proto = macbin;
if ( *inname != '\0' ) {
/* fprintf( stderr, "reopening stdin as %s\n", inname );
fprintf( stderr, "curdir: %s\n", getcwd(NULL, 0)); /* */
if ( freopen( inname, openFlags, stdin ) == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't open %s, %d\n", inname, errno );
is_ok = (*proto)( argcp, argvp );
if (freopen( ".console", "r", stdin ) == NULL) {;
fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't reopen console, %d\n", errno );
return is_ok;
copy a macbinary image from stdin into a macintosh file
128 bytes of header information
(n+128)/128*128 bytes of data fork data
(n+128)/128*128 bytes of resource fork data
The name is derived from the header information
The directory is given as an arguement
on remote system use:
uux macfile.mb > remotemac!macbin /usr/sl
#undef TRUE
#ifndef THINK_C
# include <types.h>
# include <pb.h>
/* #include <stdio.h> */
typedef struct {
char blknum;
char mblknum;
char dummy;
char version;
char fName[64];
FInfo finderInfo; /* check - starts on odd byte boundary */
char protected;
char ckZero1;
long dfLength;
long rfLength;
long crDat;
long mdDat;
char fill1[27];
char computer;
char os;
} MacBinHeader;
int macbin( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];
char filename[132];
char buf[BUFSIZ];
MacBinHeader mbh;
long count, size;
int i;
HPrmBlkRec pbr;
/* get the header */
fread( &mbh.version, 1, 128, stdin );
/* create and open the file */
strncpy( pbr.ioNamePtr, mbh.fName, 64 );
pbr.ioVRefNum = 0;
pbr.u.hfp.ioFVersNum = 0;
PBCreate( &pbr, FALSE );
/* get finder info */
pbr.u.hfp.ioFDirIndex = 0;
pbr.u.hfp.ioDirID = 0L;
PBGetInfo( &pbr, FALSE );
/* set finder info */
pbr.u.hfp.ioFlFndrInfo.fdFldr = 0;
pbr.u.hfp.ioFlCrDat = mbh.crDat;
pbr.u.hfp.ioFlMdDat = mbh.mdDat;
pbr.u.hfp.ioFlFndrInfo = mbh.finderInfo;
PBSetInfo( &pbr, FALSE );
/* get and write out the fork */
pbr.u.iop.ioPermssn = 0;
pbr.u.iop.ioMisc = 0L;
for ( i = 1; i > 0 ; i-- ) {
if (i == 1 ) {
PBOpen( &pbr, FALSE );
size = (mbh.dfLength + 127) & 0xffffff80;
else {
PBROpen( &pbr, FALSE );
size = (mbh.rfLength + 127) & 0xffffff80;
while ( size > 0 )
if ( (count = fread( buf, 1, BUFSIZ, stdin )) != 0 ) {
size -= count;
pbr.u.iop.ioBuffer = buf;
pbr.u.iop.ioReqCount = count;
PBWrite ( &pbr, FALSE);
PBClose( &pbr, FALSE );
return 1;